
13 June 2006

Workforce Fatality

Safety Incident Topic : Fatality As A result From Fall
Location Of Incident : Krasnogorsk Rayon, Russia
Date Of Incident : Not Known

Brief Account Of Incident
Leonid Novokovski a 46 year employee of General Contractor Acis was blown off a 5 m (approximately) high canopy roof during construction of a new Service Station. Tragically, he died as a result of the fall.

Leonid together with 2 fellow employees started to complete the roof by fixing the last row of sheet metal to a steel carcass. All 3 were wearing safety harnesses. Leonid removed his harness for reasons not yet known. A gust of wind blew the 4mx1m sheet and Leonid and his 2 co-workers off the roof. Leonid fell to the ground breaking his spinal chord in the region of his neck. His 2 co-workers, wearing safety harnesses, were uninjured. An ambulance was immediately summoned and arrived after 12 minutes. Leonid was pronounced dead by the ambulance doctor. The police arrived at 3 pm. Experienced contractor management was on site at the time of the accident as was a permanently stationed BP representative.

Acis informed the BP office of the incident at approximately 3 pm. An immediate attempt was made to contact the PUL and he was contacted within an hour. Within 3 hours the BUL, the GVP and R&M CEO’s Chief of staff had been briefed. An incident team was dispatched to the site and the contractor’s senior management was also summoned to the site. Work was halted on the site and another construction site. resumption of work will be preceded by a Safety Time Out.

Leonid’s twin brother and nephew were working on the site. (The nephew was on the roof with Leonid.) They are in a state of shock and every effort is being made to address their emotional needs. Leonid had worked with Acis since 9/8/03. He had received full safety training. He was Ukrainian from the town of Ordgenikidze in Dniepropetrovsk region.

An investigation team is being formed and working close with TNK/BP organization

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