
28 August 2007

Fall of Reinforcing Cage

Safety Incident Topic : Fall of Reinforcing Cage
Location Of Incident : Hull Site, United Kingdom
Date Of Incident : 09 May, 2007

Brief Account of Incident
The incident occurred during installation of piles for the base of a new tank. A 24 metre hole had been drilled and filled with concrete, then an 8 metre long cage of reinforcing bar was to be lowered into the concrete. The first cage became stuck with 2 metres still above ground so it was removed. An attempt was made to lower in a second cage, but it also stuck at the same position, so it was lifted out. Whilst this cage was being moved to a laydown area, with the cage suspended vertically, and with the bottom very close to the ground, the lifting strop appears to have come off the hook which had been suspending it. The cage therefore tipped over, and as it fell, the end of the cage hit one of the workers on the back.The injured man was taken by ambulance to the local hospital and discharged later in the evening. He was cut and bruised, but thankfully suffered no broken bones or internal injuries.

Potential Outcome

Likely Causes
The reason for the lifting strop coming off the hook is not yet known

Actions Taken
All work has been stopped.The incident is reportable to the Health and Safety Executive under the RIDDOR Regulations

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